Thursday, December 2, 2010

Columbia Ad

This is Bobby's pick for an Ad this week.  I found this ad for Columbia, I thought it was really funny.  Men like humor, so it appeals to men.

I like that this ad isn't a "pretty" ad.  It is rough and rugged, I like the lack of color.  The dirty socks remind me of the dirty clothes all over my floor, which my mom nags me to clean up.  I like the stamp "TESTED TOUGH" that means these socks are strong enough to withstand my feet in my dirty boots, and will keep my feet warm, dry, and protected when hiking or doing something outdoors.  The phrase is catchy, it has a sexual innuendo, and it makes me laugh.  I think a lot of men, and guys would find this funny, and some girls would just say "ugh how vulgar!" But for men this works.  Reminds me of guy talk. This ad is biased and targeted for men. REAL TOUGH MEN. 

Seventeen Magazine

Jane's pick again =) I'm on a roll!!
I was looking through magazines and I noticed Seventeen Magazine is geared toward younger girls, teenage girls, but I would even argue much younger, like junior high girls.

Look at this cover of Seventeen that features Disney Channel Star Selena Gomez
Notice the bright colors, the pink and the yellow.  Big crazy fonts.  It is for younger girls.  All of the titles for stories are all things girls who are self-conscious would want to know, such as "AMAZING HAIR Every Day" or "Find the Perfect First-Day Outfit for YOUR Style" all these things a middle school girl would want to know, so that she won't be awkward for her first day of school. Selena's outfit, is bright and colorful, a tank top and some fringe vest, very young/childish. A chunky necklace.  Nothing is sophisticated. Easy. And they chose Selena Gomez, most preteens and little girls watch Disney Channel.  It has a younger audience, Selena can relate to younger girls, thus this magazine targets preteens and teens. 

Bulgari Hand bag Ad

Jane's pick: Bulgari Ad =)

Julianne Moore Controversial Bulgari Ads
Here is a hang bag ad.  A lot of people criticized Moore for posing nude with animals.  It seems very "racy" and edgy.  I don't think this will appeal to younger people, she seems too old, too aged, and sophisticated. I do not think this ad is effective at all because the hand bag is not showcased.  It seems like she is selling the jewelry, and not the bag at first glance.  The jewelry is the first thing I noticed. It took me a while to figure out there was a bag, and that those things were lion cubs.  Although cute, I don't think the lion cubs help "sell" product.  There's nothing that I like here, and it does not seem targeted for teenage girls. Maybe middle aged women who want to feel young and adventurous and desirable again, but definitely not younger girls/teens.

Camel Ad

This is an Ad we found for Camel cigarettes 
This advertisement looks as though it would targeted for girls.  Pink colors, and flowers in the background.  It looks as though it is targeted for a teenage girl who likes pink.  That is strange because teenagers cannot buy or smoke cigarettes.

Maybe their plan is to get younger people interested in smoking, so by the time they can legally buy cigarettes they will.


We predict that any tobacco/alcohol ads will be biased towards adults because only adults can obtain those products.

We predict that fashion magazines will mostly appeal to girls because they are the ones that like fashion.

Technology Project

This blog is for our Technology Project in Ms. Buhler's English class. We have three members in our group: Jane, Bobby and Ethan.

We are going to look at advertisements in fashion magazines as well as ads for tobacco and alcohol.

We will be posting updates and pictures that we find as well as analysis of each picture and/or media bias.